Thursday, September 7, 2017

Massachusetts Breath Test Accuracy Laws Woburn Lawyer

Why Quality Representation is So Important in an OUI Case

When charged with an OUI / Operating Under the Influence, either drugs or alcohol, you need quality legal representation. Breathalyzer tests are used in Massachusetts to measure the amount of alcohol in a person’s blood. There is no test for drugs and officers rely on their knowledge and experience to ascertain whether someone is under the influence of drugs.

Blood Alcohol Content 
OUI breathalyzer test Woburn MA

A driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC) must be less than 0.08% to avoid an OUI charge. At Tourkantons & Delaney, we advise our clients and potential clients to refrain from taking the test – both the portable and the one at the station. We also advise our clients to refrain from answering any questions asked by the police. Any responses and results WILL be used against you. It’s better to refrain than be arrested and charged than to give up evidence and be arrested and charged.

When To Contact a OUI Lawyer

If you have been charged recently, you should be aware that of the controversies around the BAC testing machines. Government officials have been intentionally withholding information involving flawed breathalyzer tests. Consequently, the courts are prohibiting such evidence from being used against defendants. In some cases, the charges are dismissed outright or defendants’ cases become much stronger and are worthy of going to trial. Possibly 58,000 or more cases could be affected.

If you are a Massachusetts resident who was recently subjected to a breathalyzer test, contact our office.

By Tourkantonis & Delaney
